Many people are familiar with the effectiveness of chiropractic for low back pain, but did you know that it can also help relieve pain caused by many diseases? Because chiropractic helps to treat the underlying cause of diseases, it is not specific to any one sickness. Chiropractic adjustment help to clear interference in the nervous system, allowing the body to heal better.
You may have come in to treat your low back pain, and after the first treatment you notice that indeed there is a difference. Less pain in your low back! But then after a couple of days, it’s back to normal…seems disappointing at first, but that first adjustment just kick started your body’s true ability to repair itself. When healing the nervous system, it takes some time for the body to heal and adjust. Just like learning a new sport or skill takes times and feels uncomfortable at first, it gets easier and better with time.
As your low back continues to improve, you notice the pain is almost gone. You feel it occasionally depending on what you do, but the pain is practically gone. You may have also noticed a few other changes in addition to having less low back pain. Your posture is improved and maybe your shoulder feels better. You may feel more energy, and have less stomach aches than you used to. That is because your nervous system is working with less interference, letting your body continue to heal to the best of its true ability.
After several months, you notice there is no back at all. You feel better, healthier and stronger. You don’t need to see the chiropractor anymore! While technically true, it may be pragmatic to consider continuing with maintenance care, in order to keep your spine healthy and aligned, to prevent more problems in the future. Regular maintenance care is essential to ensuring a healthier spine and a healthier life.