Postural Tips For Work

Many of us have to endure long hours of sitting for work everyday. This places much stress on our neck and shoulders, especially if we have to sit at a computer and type all day. Chronic muscle tension from poor posture can lead to headaches as well as tension in the arms and upper back. In some situations this can develop into tingling and numbness in the fingers.

Your chiropractor is always ready to help get you back into shape, but because it often took many years for the problem to develop, one or two treatments are not enough to get rid of the problem. There are some exercises and rules you can follow to help reduce the pain and tension you feel. If you pay attention to the small things during your work day, you can minimize the stress that builds up in your spine.


One exercise that is great for people who sit long hours at a desk is the Bruegger’s relief exercise. This can be done sitting or standing. Simply stretch both arms out by your side, with your thumbs turned to the outside. Pulls your arms back so that your shoulder blades come closer together, and pull your chin inside, like you are making a double chin. Hold for 10 seconds. See photo for example. (See photo of Bruegger’s relief position)


Child pose

This is one you may have seen before. It is common in yoga, pilates and other similar therapies. This is a great stretch for your back in general, and is very easy to do. To begin, sit on your hands and knees, and then sit back onto your heels. Stretch your arms out in front of you as far as possible and hold for as long as feels comfortable. Anywhere between 10-60 seconds should be sufficient, depending on your needs. (See photos for examples)

These are only 2 potential exercises, and not meant to replace regular evaluation and treatment. For further home based exercises and tips for your specific complaints, contact your local chiropractor!

If any of these stretches are too painful, you should stop and consult your chiropractor for further instructions.


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